If you are a Swiss citizen, then you might be well aware about the different pension schemes that the Switzerland pension system has to offer for the better lifestyle of the Swiss citizens, after being retired. The entire pension system of Switzerland rests on three components, precisely called pillars. The 1st Pillar symbolizes the fundamental state benefits in the form of basic old-age insurance. This is for meeting the minimum standards of living. The 2nd Pillar signifies occupational pension or company pension funds, which are for securing the current standard of living. Finally, the 3rd Pillar indicates private pension, which is dependent on the individual’s choice. Though, the 3rd Pillar is the most complicated and difficult to understand scheme, as it further has its subcategories, the pillar 3a (pilier 3a) and 3b.
If you too are finding it difficult to comprehend the 3rd pillar scheme pension scheme, then you can route to 3emepilier.info, where you can have the comprehensive information, explained in the simplest possible manner. You can also find proper information about the 3rd pillar insurance on this informative portal, which would help you in deciding which company to go with, in order to have the maximum benefits out of the scheme.
The pillar 3a of the 3rd pillar offers more flexibility and benefits over the pillar 3b, which provides comparatively less freedom on taxes. There are other significant differences between the two, which is very well explained by 3emepilier.info, thus helping the Swiss citizens to carefully decide which one is more advantageous for them. They are expert in providing the most suitable solution according your specific situation and needs.
Furthermore, they also offer free simulation 3rd pillar (simulation 3ème pilier), with the help of which is helpful for those who do not have the 3rd pillar, but want to avail its benefits, and also for those who are already having a 3rd pillar, but want to diversify it for enjoying more benefits out of it. Here, you can perform free simulation to obtain personalized information in parallel with your specific requirements. They also have numerous insurance partners, whom they negotiate with, to help you enjoy maximum benefits of the 3rd pillar.
To know more about comparison third pillar (comparaison 3ème pilier), you can visit http://3emepilier.info/.